In using our website or submitting magazine/website content, model applications, or makeup/SFX artist applications to Vinkk, you are deemed to have read and agreed with the following terms and conditions.
As a contributor, you allow the team at Vinkk to use your submitted content in our magazine. Vinkk does not take any ownership over contributor content. Submitted images will not be altered without the owner's permission, other than resizing/scaling to fit, as well as sizing for thumbnails or page previews.
Images used in the magazine may also be uploaded online, with permission from the contributor. Vinkk accepts no responsibility for theft or personal copyright infringements as a result from the uploading of submissions.
Upon submitting to us, you allow our editors to adjust and correct any descriptions and interview content that comes with submissions prior to publishing. Vinkk has the right to decide if descriptions or interview content will be used or not. Vinkk will never alter descriptions or interview content maliciously or inappropriately.
All content will be appropriately credited, whether used in the magazine or online. Our editors will take the necessary steps to check that all details are correct prior to publishing. If you believe you have made an error upon submitting details, please email us with corrections within a week of submitting.
Photographer’s permission is required upon submitting model or MUA applications. As Vinkk leaves the submitter responsible for attaining photographer's permission, Vinkk accepts no responsibility for any copyright issues faced from the submitter in regards to the unsolicited use of photography.
Model’s permission is required upon submitting content (e.g photography) featuring models. As Vinkk leaves the submitter responsible for attaining model's permission, Vinkk accepts no responsibility for any copyright issues faced from the submitter in regards to the unsolicited use of models.
Submitters must understand that not all submissions will be accepted. Vinkk has the right to decline submissions and contributors have the right to question why their submission was declined.
If a submission is declined for something that is easily fixed, e.g pixelation, the submitter is allowed up to a week to resolve the issue and resubmit, given that it does not hinder the publishing process.
Submissions must come from New Zealand based artists, photographers, etc only.
Contributors are allowed up to a week to inform Vinkk of any withdrawals they wish to make regarding a magazine submission, given that it will not hinder the publishing process.
Cancellation of the use of creator content online, if requested, is feasible at all times and content will be removed by IT development as soon as possible.
Vinkk upholds the right to withdraw creator content at any time.
Vinkk upholds the right to cancel the production of the magazine at any time.
Vinkk requires confirmation from the contributor if they wish to reuse content in future editions of the magazine.
Vinkk requires confirmation from the contributor if they wish to reuse content online.
As a non-profit organization, Vinkk does not have the right to make return money or collect profit from the use of contributor content.
All income (including donations) collected by Vinkk goes towards continuing the printing and distribution of the magazine, as well as hosting giveaways or promotional content related to Vinkk and it’s followers/associates.
Vinkk and the advertiser have a binding contract for the duration of the advert, we do not claim the rights to any of the work involved within the advert.
We do not accept negative advertisements.
As a non-profit organization, all the proceeds must go towards printing and distributing the magazine.
Payment for the advert must be payed accordingly and on time, before the advert is due to be published.
Vinkk has no right to alter or change your advert and only has the right to choose its placement within the magazine.
Inquire within for a closer detail on the terms and conditions for individual companies/business's.