Vinkk Magazine is a non-profit collaborative art magazine produced by a tight knit group of young artists. Our sole purpose is to provide an engaging and inspiring community for New Zealand based artists of all kinds. We strive to help creators build connections in the industry and share their experiences and aspirations with others.
From deeply admiring another artist's work but struggling to get your own up to your standards, to beginning as a model and wanting to see yourself in a place where you'll shine, to having a love for crafting but not knowing where to start... we've felt it. When it comes to the struggle in developing yourself artstically, getting out into the art world, and making a name for yourself, the team at Vinkk can provide rescources, contacts, and inspiration.
So, where do we begin? By giving artists a place to proudly showcase their work and be seen by their ideal audience - artists! All types of mediums and styles are encouraged, and by following our basic submission guidelines, your work is sure to be endorsed.
For those interested in becoming one of our public connections (this includes models, photographers, comission artists, and make up artists/stylists), we offer sections on our website. This is a gateway for others to find the contacts they need, and a place to offer your own skills to the art community. We also encourage you to share your events and musical projects with us. Having an array of contributors gives us leeway to find and feature brilliant works for the art enthusiast, and create not only word of mouth, but also a physical display of talent and hard work.
Want to contribute? CONTACT US
Printing on such a small scale with colour and high quality imagery costs hundreds, we have looked into printing at local printing stores such as the warehouse stationary and other less known buisnesses and the cost range for printing in colour for under 1000 copies would set us back over 500 dollars. Vinkk wants our magazine to be as cheap and accessable as possible for our readers, our shipping prices are 50% off the standard Nz postal bag cost ($5.50 per bag) If we were to print at such high cost we would not be able to sell you our magazine for as cheap as they are. This would be completely against our ideals.
So because of this our magazines are hand bound and printed from a high quality home laser printer. We are looking to get funding so we can bring you our magazine from a higher standard ,by donating towards us getting a new printing system of our own we hope to be able to bring this to you , our readers. Thank you so much for taking your time to read our claim. If you would like to learn more about the system we are looking at and what our needs are or even just to be kept in the loop as to where your donation is getting us please send us an email and we will add you to our mailing list.